Frequently Asked Questions
Below you can find answers to some questions we are frequently asked. If you have a question that is not addressed below, feel free to contact us.
Q: Can you help me get a job with one of your clients / my favorite band?
A: Unfortunately SOS is not in a position to help arrange employment with any of our clients and we do not make a practice of keeping unsolicited resumes.
Q: How can I get a job working with you?
A: At this time SOS is not hiring and we do not make a practice of keeping unsolicited resumes on file. If we have open positions we will update our website to indicate that we are hiring.
Q: Who are some of your clients?
A: Out of respect for our clients' privacy, and in an effort to reduce unsolicited contact from fans, we do not publish a current client list on our website. If you are a prospective client, please contact us for a list of some of our clients. As a general reference, we have worked on all of the top 8 highest grossing concert tours of all time (more than 25% of the top 50 total) and have worked on the top-grossing tour of the year for 7 of the past 10 years, as ranked by Pollstar. Many of these tours have utilized our full range of services - travel, visas, and production support - while a few have relied on SOS for just one of these services.
A: Unfortunately SOS is not in a position to help arrange employment with any of our clients and we do not make a practice of keeping unsolicited resumes.
Q: How can I get a job working with you?
A: At this time SOS is not hiring and we do not make a practice of keeping unsolicited resumes on file. If we have open positions we will update our website to indicate that we are hiring.
Q: Who are some of your clients?
A: Out of respect for our clients' privacy, and in an effort to reduce unsolicited contact from fans, we do not publish a current client list on our website. If you are a prospective client, please contact us for a list of some of our clients. As a general reference, we have worked on all of the top 8 highest grossing concert tours of all time (more than 25% of the top 50 total) and have worked on the top-grossing tour of the year for 7 of the past 10 years, as ranked by Pollstar. Many of these tours have utilized our full range of services - travel, visas, and production support - while a few have relied on SOS for just one of these services.
Q: Why do I need a travel agent, can't I just book my own travel arrangements?
A: In the internet age it's entirely possible to book your own travel arrangements; but for most people searching the web for flights and hotels is an inefficient use of your time, and ultimately doesn't provide the best value for your money, especially if you're making arrangements for a large group. While there is no magic trick that means a travel agent will always find a lower rate on a single hotel or flight than what you find on the internet, using a dedicated entertainment travel agent reduces your overall spending - because we negotiate the lowest possible rates for group hotel bookings and find you the lowest suitable fares for your flights - and allows your touring and management staff to focus on their numerous other responsibilities.
Q: If you are paid on commission by hotels, doesn't that mean that the tour will be paying higher rates?
A: Generally no - if there is no travel agent involved and a tour is negotiating directly with a hotel, that doesn't automatically mean that the hotel will offer lower rates and pass on the savings to the tour. In fact, the opposite is generally true - the hotels will pocket the difference. An experienced entertainment travel agent is able to negotiate hotel rates well below the standard "rack rates" for a group booking, and those savings are passed on to the tour.
A: In the internet age it's entirely possible to book your own travel arrangements; but for most people searching the web for flights and hotels is an inefficient use of your time, and ultimately doesn't provide the best value for your money, especially if you're making arrangements for a large group. While there is no magic trick that means a travel agent will always find a lower rate on a single hotel or flight than what you find on the internet, using a dedicated entertainment travel agent reduces your overall spending - because we negotiate the lowest possible rates for group hotel bookings and find you the lowest suitable fares for your flights - and allows your touring and management staff to focus on their numerous other responsibilities.
Q: If you are paid on commission by hotels, doesn't that mean that the tour will be paying higher rates?
A: Generally no - if there is no travel agent involved and a tour is negotiating directly with a hotel, that doesn't automatically mean that the hotel will offer lower rates and pass on the savings to the tour. In fact, the opposite is generally true - the hotels will pocket the difference. An experienced entertainment travel agent is able to negotiate hotel rates well below the standard "rack rates" for a group booking, and those savings are passed on to the tour.
Visas / Immigration
Q: Why do I need visas to tour internationally? I've traveled to many countries before without requiring a visa.
A: Unsurprisingly, different countries have different requirements, and not all countries view entertainment tours the same way. It is important to keep in mind that, even for countries that allow visa-free entry for tourism or business meetings, visas may be required to work or perform in that country. For example, a British citizen can enter the United States under the visa waiver program for tourism, but the United States requires a British artist to have a visa to tour and perform in the United States. Similarly, an American citizen can enter Argentina on vacation without requiring an advance visa, but if performing with a tour, a special visa is required prior to travel.
Some countries have specific categories of visas for artists and performers; other countries treat these activities as general employment and require generic work or business visas; while still others do not regulate touring performers at all and allow visa-free entry the same as for tourism. SOS can advise you about these criteria based on your tour routing and work in consultation with your local promoters in each market to make sure you are entering each country appropriately for the purpose of your visit.
Q: Why do I need to hire someone to help me with my visas? Isn't that something I can work out on my own with the local promoter?
A: In some cases it is entirely possible to make your own visa arrangements without any assistance. However in recent years, many of our touring clients have found that the visa work associated with their international schedules is taking up more of their time than ever, and distracting them from their other responsibilities on the road. This is particularly true as more tours are reaching expanded international markets in Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia. Keeping up with all of the associated paperwork and trying to pull everything together while on the move can be a daunting task, which is why many tours now rely on the services of a dedicated entertainment visa specialist such as SOS.
SOS will work closely with the tour and the local promoter in each market to make sure that all the paperwork is appropriately prepared, and to coordinate and schedule collection of any required visas. We have many years of experience working with local promoters in international markets. Since the local promoters in each market are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the tour has the appropriate paperwork, we believe it is essential to communicate clearly with representatives in each country, and we have excellent working relationships with many top international promoters. Two of the SOS partners have worked as local promoter reps, so we're able to directly understand what both the tour and the promoter have to deal with when it comes to any complex arrangements.
A: Unsurprisingly, different countries have different requirements, and not all countries view entertainment tours the same way. It is important to keep in mind that, even for countries that allow visa-free entry for tourism or business meetings, visas may be required to work or perform in that country. For example, a British citizen can enter the United States under the visa waiver program for tourism, but the United States requires a British artist to have a visa to tour and perform in the United States. Similarly, an American citizen can enter Argentina on vacation without requiring an advance visa, but if performing with a tour, a special visa is required prior to travel.
Some countries have specific categories of visas for artists and performers; other countries treat these activities as general employment and require generic work or business visas; while still others do not regulate touring performers at all and allow visa-free entry the same as for tourism. SOS can advise you about these criteria based on your tour routing and work in consultation with your local promoters in each market to make sure you are entering each country appropriately for the purpose of your visit.
Q: Why do I need to hire someone to help me with my visas? Isn't that something I can work out on my own with the local promoter?
A: In some cases it is entirely possible to make your own visa arrangements without any assistance. However in recent years, many of our touring clients have found that the visa work associated with their international schedules is taking up more of their time than ever, and distracting them from their other responsibilities on the road. This is particularly true as more tours are reaching expanded international markets in Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia. Keeping up with all of the associated paperwork and trying to pull everything together while on the move can be a daunting task, which is why many tours now rely on the services of a dedicated entertainment visa specialist such as SOS.
SOS will work closely with the tour and the local promoter in each market to make sure that all the paperwork is appropriately prepared, and to coordinate and schedule collection of any required visas. We have many years of experience working with local promoters in international markets. Since the local promoters in each market are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the tour has the appropriate paperwork, we believe it is essential to communicate clearly with representatives in each country, and we have excellent working relationships with many top international promoters. Two of the SOS partners have worked as local promoter reps, so we're able to directly understand what both the tour and the promoter have to deal with when it comes to any complex arrangements.
Production Support
Q: Why would I use your production support services; shouldn't I just bring someone else out on the road?
A: Obviously, some production support job functions can only be addressed by having staff physically present on the road. However, particularly with logistically complex stadium tours, there may be additional responsibilities beyond the scope of what an assistant or coordinator on the road can reasonably be expected to handle on a daily basis. In such cases, SOS offers an ideal solution - we can serve as your "satellite office" and provide a variety of production support services, without increasing your payroll or adding ancillary costs for lodging, transportation, per diem, insurance, catering, etc. which would be associated with another full-time touring position.
All three SOS partners have toured as Production Coordinators (as well as a variety of other positions) on tours of all sizes - from clubs to stadiums, so we have a detailed understanding of how we can support your road staff and collaborate with your team. If we are providing travel and visa services for your project already, adding our production support services can help to seamlessly integrate everything and leverage our collective expertise for the benefit of your tour or special event.
Q: It sounds like you all have great experience, can I just hire one of you to come out on the road for my tour?
A: While we are flattered to receive this question on a fairly regular basis, sadly the answer is generally no. While we may be available to provide on-site assistance for tour start / rehearsals, or for short-term touring commitments or "one-offs" and special events, we are unable to go on the road full time for the duration of most tours -- we have too much going on with SOS and our other clients!
If you are in search of a Production Manager, Production Coordinator, or other staff for your tour, we may be able to refer you to qualified industry professionals; please email us and we'd be happy to try and help.
Q: I already have a travel agent and a visa consultant lined up, but I need assistance producing an itinerary; can you help?
A: While we offer printed and PDF itineraries as part of our package of comprehensive services, we are not a standalone print shop and typically do not produce itineraries for tours that are not already using our travel or other services. If you need an itinerary only, there are a number of excellent vendors who specialize in providing this service.
A: Obviously, some production support job functions can only be addressed by having staff physically present on the road. However, particularly with logistically complex stadium tours, there may be additional responsibilities beyond the scope of what an assistant or coordinator on the road can reasonably be expected to handle on a daily basis. In such cases, SOS offers an ideal solution - we can serve as your "satellite office" and provide a variety of production support services, without increasing your payroll or adding ancillary costs for lodging, transportation, per diem, insurance, catering, etc. which would be associated with another full-time touring position.
All three SOS partners have toured as Production Coordinators (as well as a variety of other positions) on tours of all sizes - from clubs to stadiums, so we have a detailed understanding of how we can support your road staff and collaborate with your team. If we are providing travel and visa services for your project already, adding our production support services can help to seamlessly integrate everything and leverage our collective expertise for the benefit of your tour or special event.
Q: It sounds like you all have great experience, can I just hire one of you to come out on the road for my tour?
A: While we are flattered to receive this question on a fairly regular basis, sadly the answer is generally no. While we may be available to provide on-site assistance for tour start / rehearsals, or for short-term touring commitments or "one-offs" and special events, we are unable to go on the road full time for the duration of most tours -- we have too much going on with SOS and our other clients!
If you are in search of a Production Manager, Production Coordinator, or other staff for your tour, we may be able to refer you to qualified industry professionals; please email us and we'd be happy to try and help.
Q: I already have a travel agent and a visa consultant lined up, but I need assistance producing an itinerary; can you help?
A: While we offer printed and PDF itineraries as part of our package of comprehensive services, we are not a standalone print shop and typically do not produce itineraries for tours that are not already using our travel or other services. If you need an itinerary only, there are a number of excellent vendors who specialize in providing this service.